Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effect Of Ethanol On The Production Of Ethanol

The production of Ethanol has been happening for many of years. The production of Ethanol is a form alcoholic beverages, which humans have been drinking for many of hundreds of years. Ethanol is produced when alcoholic fermentation occurs. Alcoholic or Ethanol fermentation is a biological process that produces ethanol without needing oxygen. What is needed for this process to work is glucose and yeast. The production of alcohol or ethanol is the chemical reaction that happens when yeast breaks downs glucose (sugar). Glucose + Yeast → Alcohol + Carbon Dioxide. The different types of alcoholic beverages come from the different glucose used, like the glucose from different fruits. Whenever producing Ethanol or Alcohol you need to make sure that it is being brewed into a vessel which allows the carbon dioxide to escape and prevents oxygens from coming in. The Volmith Boutique Brewery has recently opened up their business and the demand of their products has put stress on their staff. They have hired an group to conduct out a series of experiments to observe the significant changes that might hinder or improve the production rate of the alcohol being produced. The first variable we change was the temperature the group keep the flasks at. It was hypothesised by the individual that the flasks that were at the temperature of 37 degrees and 25 degrees were to produce the most ethanol. This is because the optimal temperature for yeast is in between 35-45 degrees. The flask thatShow MoreRelatedThe Effects on theThe Use of Water for the Production of Ethanol1017 Words   |  5 PagesFurthermore, roughly 40 percent of Texas corn goes to a single cause—ethanol (Texas Corn, 2012). Ethanol is a form of fuel with an alcohol base made by distilling and fermenting corn and other starch-based crops (Fuel Economy, 2009). Ethanol made its debut in the early 1970s, and by the late 1980s, ethanol was beginning to be used for fueling cars (Fuel-testers, 2012). Now in the midst of the green movement of the 2000s, ethanol can be found in over 90 percent of gasoline at public gas stations (Fuel-testersRead MoreExpansion Of Ethanol Production On The United States1318 Words   |  6 Pagesin to law, US Corn production has shifted from feeding faces to fuel tanks, stirring a controversy over corns purpose. In 2007, the food or fuel controversy landed on the floor of the United Nations when Jean Ziegler, former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, stated that diverting cropland from food to fuel is a crime against humanity (Ferrett). 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Ethanol is put into gas as a combatant against water, which can find its way into fuel tanks of vehicles. It reduces the effect that this water has on the health of the vehicle, and as a result increases gas mileage, and also increases the amount of complete combustion. Ethanol consumption has severe drawbacks pertaining to its effect on the environment. Production of ethanol increases the formationRead MoreEthanol Fuel Essay1447 Words   |  6 Pageswheel. One possibility is ethanol. Chemically extra ct ethanol (ethyl alcohol) an alternative fuel, fermented from corn, grains, or agricultural waste, or it is also from ethylene (hydration). Currently, Ethanol can only be used primarily as a supplement to gasoline. The use of this energy can make for a much cleaner fuel than other fossil fuels (Seidel, Stephen, Dale Keyes 214-222 para3). There have been many different studies which have suggested that this corn-based ethanol will have a very negativeRead MoreThe Fuel Of The Ford Motor Company1158 Words   |  5 Pagesalternative fuels such as Ethanol have been discussed a prime alternative to Isooctane, the current fuel choice. Though Ethanol is a viable alternative fuel, especially with the emergence of new 21st century technology, the comparable combustion reaction rates of both Isooctane and Ethanol, as well as the industrial process to produce ethanol as a fuel, may deem it more dangerous and less efficient than the current fuel choice. . In order to produce data of Ethanol and its use in today s automobileRead MoreEssay Biodiesel vs. Ethanol1076 Words   |  5 PagesBiodiesel vs. Ethanol Both biodiesel and ethanol are derivatives of biomass that have been processed to create a liquid biofuel. Both types of biofuels have been touted as secure and environmentally safe alternatives to fossil fuels, however the research verifying these claims is extensive but often contradicting. In the following paper, the efficiency and quality of the two types of biofuel will be discussed. The effects of variables such as source materials and production techniques on efficiencyRead More Ethanol as an Alternative Energy Source Essay1542 Words   |  7 PagesBiofuels: Ethanol an Alternative Energy Source Abstract In todays society, when someone wants to go to the movies, work, school, library, or mall, they drive to their destination. The average amount of gasoline consumed per year is about 146 gallons in the U.S. (Biofuels for Transportation, p1). Discoveries of huge petroleum deposits kept gasoline cheap for decades and biofuels were forgotten (Leen, p1). However, with the recent oil prices, along with growing concern of global warming causedRead More Increasing the Gas Tax Would Cause an Improvement in the Environment1328 Words   |  6 Pagesworld are concerned about pollution. Gasoline use in automobiles is one of the major causes of pollution. When gasoline is used it releases carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxide. These are gasses that contribute to the Greenhouse Effect. The Greenhouse Effect refers to the trapping of the suns radiation and is also used synonymously with Global Warming ( Governments are trying to come up with alternatives to gasoline to improve or at least not hurt our environment as much asRead MoreAlternatives Of Alternative Fuels For Gasoline1742 Words   |  7 Pagespros and cons of using alternative fuels as compared to gasoline. The following statement guidelines are valuable in the progress of this topic. First, the paper will seek to know the top three fuel alternatives are. Secondly, the paper will show if ethanol is good and efficient alternative fuel. The paper will also show if electric vehicles are really zero-emission or not. Definition of terms Substitute energy: energies resulting from bases other than petroleum bases. Petrol energy: energies resulting

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